Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Memorize Day For All Khmer People

Tragedy Day Of Cambodia People

22.Nov.2010 - It's the third day of Water Festival in Cambodia. 

During the Water Festival many people came to visited Phnom Penh. Phnom Penh is a capital city of Cambodia. Every year, the Water Festival celebrate three days on November. Million of people around Cambodia came to Phnom Penh to join the Water Festival. It's one a year at Phnom Penh, and it's also the happy time to all the people came to join this celebration. 

The first and second day of Water Festival, it's going smoothly and happily. Many people enjoy that day so much.

Unfortunately, the last day of Water Festival, there are many people were dead and injury. Around 400 people were dead, and 400 people injury because of the accident at Koh Pich. Koh Pich is the place that many people like to visit.

Everything that gonna to be happy become the tragedy of Cambodia people just only one night. It's hard to believe that but it had happened already. Many people were sad now because of their relative and friend dead. Now, they were mourn.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Water Festival In Cambodia

Water Festival In Cambodia
Bon Om Thook (Khmer:​ បុណ្យអុំទូក), the Khmer Water Festival, is a Cambodian festival celebrated in November. Every town and province joins in with the celebration but the place to be for Bon Om Thook is Phnom Penh. For three days, workers from every province join with the city's residents to celebrate by night and day.

The river comes alive with fireworks and flotillas of brightly-lit boats and the moon rises over the capital.

The full moon which coincides with the festival is worshiped by many households. The highlight of the festival is a series of boat races. These take place over three days and honour the twelfth century Khmer naval victories achieved under King Jayavarman VII.

Bon Om Thook is ancient; having its roots in a time when the Angkorian kings would test the fighting prowess of their warriors by holding competitions. The races were a form of training and a means by which the king could choose his champions. 

Ork Ambok​ (Khmer: អកអំបុក) is named after the rice dish which forms part of the Bon Om Thook ceremony. Rice is fried in the husk and then pounded with a giant pestle. The husks are removed and the special rice mixed with coconut and banana. This traditional Khmer dish is sold throughout the festival: Orm Ambok, Sampheah Preah Kae, and Bandaet Pratip

Sampheah Preah Kae​ (Khmer: សំពះព្រះខែ) is a ceremony in which salutations are made to the moon. After the Sampheah Preah Kae ceremony people gather at a pagoda at midnight for Ork Ambok

Bandaet Pratip (Khmer: បណ្ដែតប្រទីប) begins around 7 pm with illuminated boats taking to the water. Each boat represents a government ministry or state institution.

Bandaet Pratip

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_Festival

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Memorize Day

Start Term 21-08-2010 => End Of Term 18-Nov2010

It like a dream one term had gone. We just started the term and the term finished. I think the time gone very fast, it didn't wait us. Do you agree? How hard you are trying? How much can you get?
I got many thing, experience, knowledge  from this term. How about all of you? 

I knew all of you are the first thing I got this term. You know when we were study how hard we worked together, and how fun we had together? Just close the eyes and think about this. I think that all of you may remember it. I didn't want to be away from all of you, but how can I stop the time? I can't stop the time but I just want to keep our friendship and relationship with all of you. If we can't study with each other, but we still  friends with each other. This is the second thing I could from this term.

From this term, I got many experience. Nobody always perfect and nobody always right. Everybody afraid bad and wrong. If you never wrong, how can you find right? It's similar to study also. I got many bad and wrong when I was studying. But I try my best to get right. 

Every teacher want their student to get the knowledge but they can't help us 100%. It is depend on us also. If you don't help yourself, nobody can help you. I'm a person that hate homework and assignment, but the teacher gave me so many assignment to do. Why teacher gave us a lot of assignment? Because the teacher want us to got the knowledge. If you don't do it, it doesn't matter. The more you try the more you get. 

This evening, teacher gave us many advice. Those advice were good for us in the future and some people may thing that it wasn't important. I didn't know what they think. They think that their parents can feed them forever? 
Finally, I'm very happy to know all of you and to be your friend. I think this day is the memorize day that I should remember wit all of you. I want to write more than this, but my English writing still weak. I hope  next term we can study with each other again, and thank you for your reading.

Any Mistake Please Forgive. Thanks Before Hand

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Angkor Wat Temple

Angkor Wat in 1866

Angkor Wat (អង្គរវត្ត) is a temple complex at Angkor, Cambodia, built for the king Suryavarmarn II in the early 12th century as his state temple and capital city. As the best preserved temple at the site, it is the only one to have remained a significant religious centre since its foundation - first Hindo, dedicated to the god Vishnu, then Buddhist. It is the world's largest religious building. The temple is at the top of high classical style of Khmer architecture. It has become a symbol of Cambodia, appearing on its national flag, and it is the country's prime attraction for visitors.
Angkor Wat combines two basic plans of Khmer temple architecture: the temple mountain and the later galleried temple. It is designed to represent Mount Meru, home of the devas in Hindu mythology: within a moat and an outer wall 3.6 kilometer long are three rectangular galleries, each raised above the next. At the center of the temple stands a quincunx of towers. Unlike most Angkorian temples, Angkor Wat is oriented to the west; scholars are divided as to the significance of this. The temple is admired for the grandeur and harmony of the architecture, its extensive bas-reliefs and for the numerous devatas adorning its walls.

View of Angkor Wat Temple From the Top

 For More Information Visited: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angkor_Wat

Source: Wikipedia.com

Kingdom of Cambodia

History of Cambodia
  1. Funan Empire: 68-550
  2. Chenla: 550-802
  3. Khmer Empire: 802-1431
  4. Dark Ages: 1618-1863
  5. French Colonial Period: 1863-1952
  6. First Administration of Sihanouk: 1955-1970
  7. The Khmer Republic and The War: 1970-1975
  8. Democratic Kampuchea (The Khmer Rouge / Red Khmer Age): 1975-1979
  9. People's Republic of Kampuchea / State of Cambodia: 1979-1993
  10. Modern Cambodia: 1993-Present
The Kingdom of Cambodia, (ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា), also known as Cambodia, is a country in Southeast Asia that borders Thailand to the west and northwest, Laos to the northeast, Vietnam to the east, and the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest. The geography of Cambodia is dominated by the Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake.

Angkor Wat Temple
The kingdom is a constitutional monarchy with King Norodom Sihamoni as head of state, who has reigned since 2004. Phnom Penh is the kingdom's capital and largest city, and is the center of political, commercial, industrial and cultural activities. Siem Reap is the gateway to the Angkor region in which the famous temple of Angkor Wat and other Angkorian temples are located which makes it a main destination for tourism. Battambang, the largest province in northwestern Cambodia is known for its rice production, and Sihanoukville, a coastal city, is the primary sea port and beach resort.

Cambodia has an areas of 181 035 square kilometers and a population of over 14 million people. A citizen of Cambodia is usually identified as "Cambodian" or "Khmer" which strictly refers to ethnic Khmers. Theravada Buddhism is the official religion of Cambodia, which is practiced by around 96% of the Cambodian population

Rice Cropping in Cambodia
Agriculture has long been the most important sector to the Cambodian economy, with around 59% of the population relying on agriculture for their livelihood (with rice being the principal crop). Other important sectors include garments, construction and tourism - foreign visitors to Angkor Wat numbered more than 4 million in 2007. In 2005, oil and natural gas deposits were found beneath Cambodia's territorial waters, and once commercial extraction begins in 2011, the oil revenues could profoundly affect Cambodia's economy.

Source: wikipedia.com

Friday, October 29, 2010

Prasat BaKhenG (PUC)

Dear all friend at Prasat Bakheng

I want to tell all of you that the class start on 1st Monday, November.

On Tuesday, we're going to have the midterm. Don't forge to review the lesson. There are two chapter we need to review about "Paraphrase and Summarize" and "Argumentative Essay". Don't Miss It.

One more is the assignment Introduction to Computer. Not all the student, but for the student that teacher call the name. You need to do report and slide for presentation by your own word.

P.S The rest of the student that haven't read the reading book yet. Please prepare yourself with the reading on the Reading Passage I.

Any mistake please comment, because I don't remember all about this.

Thank You

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Good And Bad Story This Afternoon At PUC

I want to tell all of you to know about what happen this afternoon. This afternoon,there were two subject that I needed to study. The first subject was Environmental Science, and the second subject was Introduction To Computer. It had a good and a bad. Which one happen first? The good thing happened first and then the bad thing came after it. Now I will tell you the sequence of the story until end.

I arrived at school at 1:30 this afternoon, and the class started at 2 o'clock. Environmental Science was the first subject. My team got a best score 95 percent almost 100 percent. Another team get 80 percent and 77 percent if I didn't forget. The reason is that teacher minus 5 percent , because teacher wanted 5 people for presentation; but only 3 people presentation. Unbelievable, my team got the highest score in the class.  I never think that I could help my team to get the best result like this. I can get the high score and one more is that I could learn many think from assignment and presentation such as what is climate change, how the climate change effect to Cambodia, and How Cambodia has been doing to combat this climate change? The score for me, it wasn't important to much, but the most important that I wanted to get was the knowledge.

While we was studying, we divided into 3 term such as  talkative team, troublemaker team, and study team. Talkative team was my group to much talk at the back. Never listen to teacher explain the lesson. 

After, we study Introduction To Computer and teacher so kinds and wanted all the students get the knowledge. But this afternoon everything was different. This afternoon teacher let all group came to presentation, and teacher gave more time for us to prepare for presentation but we didn't. We made teacher unhappy and hopeless. Teacher told that this class was the class that he hoped to perform better then other class. Everything that he think was hopeless. All the group presentation was bad no one try to study or presentation well. But the presentation well not important. The important is that teacher wanted us to be strong when you live in society.

If you want to study with him, it is difficult because he gave us to much work to do. Instead, we could get more knowledge if we try to study with him and did everything that he gave us to do. In my opinion, I think he is a good teacher because he teach us many skills, and I could all of those skill from him. All of those skill are very useful for my future.

Finally, I want to tell that if you want another person help you, so you need to help yourself first.

I'm looking forwarding to getting feedback and constructive advices from all of you.

Thank You All Of You That Spend Your Time Read This

Forgive And Forget

When someone or somebody made you feel unhappy, sad, uncomfortable, or more than this. How do you feel? I think all of you maybe hated or dislike it. Sometime all of you were going to do something bad to them instead the angry, right? It's just my predict everything depend on all of you think. Before I used to think like this also. If someone did something bad to me, I will do something bad to them instead of my angry. 

If you still revenge with each other what is going to happen?
The effect we can't predict sometime just a little, but sometime it can be bigger than what you are thinking. In my opinion I think that it wasn't a good idea to revenge with each other.

Now, I never think like before. I just use the word "Forgive and Forget". If you think more about it you will understand clearly about the meaning. The meaning also depend on the situation that you are now face with it.

Forget: mean that forgot everything that unhappy, sad,... in the past, and think about the future. 
Forgive: mean stop blaming or angry with someone that did something wrong on you.

There maybe more mean with these word like I said before depend on the situation. It just the way to show you how to think about this.

"Make Friend Better Than Make Enemy"

I'm not professional with this, but I just want to share what I had known and my experienced. Anyone want to share idea with me, I'm welcome.

I am looking forwarding to getting feedback and constructive advices from all of you.                        

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Brother

My Brother's Seng
His name's is Mov KimSenG (MKS). I love him so much because he is so smart. He is young but all of you maybe don't know that he speak English very well and play a lots. In this picture, he had been to our grandmother house. He was playing his toys and I captured his photo. Hasha

Monday, October 25, 2010



ថ្ងៃនេះខ្ញុំមានអារម្មណ៏ថា ចង់បង្កើតប្លុកផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនមួយ

នៅក្នុងប្លុកនេះខ្ញុំ និងសរសេរអំពីបទពិសោធន៍ នឹងអ្វីដែលខ្ញុំបានជួបប្រទះជារៀងរាល់ថៃ្ង